Our Vision

The Makers Hub envisions a vibrant, collaborative space shaped by the collective vision of the community – a place built for the community, by the community, where everyone can unlock their innate abilities as makers and transform their surroundings through creativity, learning, and shared growth. As we grow into a full-scale Makerspace, with a central space for collaboration surrounded by a variety of craft shops, studios, and labs, Compton becomes revitalized by the talents, innovation, and energy of the community. We aspire to foster innovation, promote sustainability, and cultivate a culture of inclusivity and empowerment, ultimately creating a model that can inspire and transform communities worldwide. New local businesses flourish, community spaces are revitalized, and homes are beautifully renovated. Simply put, we are building a place where people make it!


Our Mission

Our mission is to create a community Makerspace in the Greater Compton Area,
offering equal access to tools, workshops, technology, and resources that inspire
creativity, facilitate lifelong learning, and provide inclusive and equitable
opportunities for all.
By establishing a Tool Lending Library with a small Makerspace, we empower individuals to explore their potential, start small businesses, and even try out new tools! By creating a sense of community through shared skills and knowledge, we can inspire and create a ripple effect of creativity and innovation that can transform the city together. Let’s build a brighter future, one tool at a time!

Our Values


We commit to treating everyone with dignity, courtesy, and respect, fostering an environment where every individual feels valued and honored.


We are reflective of the diverse community we serve. Our needs are their needs, and our development echoes the community’s voice.


Our enthusiasm drives us to put our hearts into our work, inspiring and energizing the communities we serve.


We are dedicated to creating an environment where everyone feels valued, actively addressing injustices to ensure everyone’s voice is heard.


We believe in building stronger communities by sharing knowledge, skills, and expertise, fostering growth through collective effort.


We operate ethically and transparently. Our performance is driven by our commitment to act in good faith in everything we do. 

We Need YOU!

Join us in shaping programs that reflect the heart and soul of our community. Your voice and participation are crucial! Help us build a space where everyone can thrive together.